This stable is part of the SIM Game Infinity

GVR Novice Classic Entries

Stock Horse Results:

Stock Horse High Point Horse: WA Cowboy Dreams
Stock Horse Reserve High Point: Ima Smokin Zipper
Stock Horse Grand Prix Champion: GVR Whiplash
Stock horse English Champion: Ima Smokin Zipper
Stock horse Gymkhana Champion: Zippo Pine Glow
  1. WA Cowboy Dreams 76
  2. Ima Smokin Zipper 63
  3. Twilight Melody 60
  4. WA Attribute 58
  5. WA Tributes First 57
  6. TTC Something To Miss 56
  7. WA Chrome Style 48
  8. GVR Whiplash 48
  9. GVR Bewitched 47
  10. TTC Impressed By Design 42
  11. Zippo Pine Glow 41
  12. TTC Flamette 40
  13. TTC Top Flight 39
  14. TTC Untouchable 37
  15. Redford Connections 36

Sporthorse/Warmblood Results:

Sporthorse High Point Horse: GVR Double Trouble
Sporthorse Reserve High Point: GVR First Edition
Sporthorse Grand Prix Champion: GVR Double Trouble
Sporthorse English Champion: GVR First Edition
Sporthorse Gymkhana Champion: GVR Double Trouble
  1. GVR Double Trouble 132
  2. GVR First Edition 127
  3. GVR Ancient Realm 125

Hot Bloods Results:

Hot Bloods High Point Horse: WA Copper Cloud
Hot Bloods Reserve High Point: WA My Silver Liberty
Hot Bloods Grand Prix Champion: SS Khamalia
Hot Bloods English Champion: SS Gemini Rose
Hot Bloods Gymkhana Champion: SS Khaldieh
  1. WA Copper Cloud - 95
  2. WA My Silver Liberty - 93
  3. Racing the Clock - 85
  4. SS Star Dust - 79
  5. SS South Pacific - 72
  6. SS Gemini Rose - 69
  7. SS Desert Mirage - 63
  8. SS Khamalia - 62
  9. SS Khaldieh - 60

Other Breeds Results:

Other Breeds High Point Horse: Phantom Rose
Other Breeds Reserve High Point: Calhandra
Other Breeds Grand Prix Champion: Shadow Dancer
Other Breeds English Champion: Calhandra
Other Breeds Gymkhana Champion: Truth Be Told
  1. Phantom Rose 70
  2. Calhandra 65
  3. Valiente del Fino 64
  4. Shadow Dancer 62
  5. Almost Illusion 62
  6. Magnifica de Oro 57
  7. Morrighan 56
  8. Truth Be Told 51
  9. Finishing Touch 47
  10. El Fantasia 36

Stock Horses:

  1. Hunter/Jumper
    1. Twilight Melody 9
    2. TTC Impressed By Design 8
    3. GVR Whiplash 7
    4. Ima Smokin Zipper 6
    5. GVR Bewitched 5
    6. WA Chrome Style 4
  2. Cross Country 
    1. TTC Something To Miss 9
    2. WA Cowboy Dreams 8 
    3. TTC Flamette 7
    4. WA Attribute 6
    5. TTC Top Flight 5
    6. WA Tributes First 4
  3. Stadium & Show Jumping 
    1. GVR Bewitched 9
    2. Twilight Melody 8
    3. GVR Whiplash 7
    4. WA Chrome Style 6
    5. TTC Impressed By Design 5
  4. Grand Prix Jumping (All jumper finalists will compete in hunter/jumper, cross country, and show/stadium jumping)
    1. GVR Whiplash 18
    2. TTC Flamette 16
    3. WA Cowboy Dreams 14
    4. GVR Bewitched 12
    5. Twilight Melody 10
    6. TTC Impressed By Design 8
    7. TTC Something To Miss 6
  5. Dressage
    1. WA Cowboy Dreams 9
    2. WA Tributes First 8
    3. WA Attribute 7
    4. GVR Bewitched 6
    5. TTC Top Flight 5
    6. TTC Flamette 4
    7. TTC Something To Miss 3
    8. GVR Whiplash 2
  6. Hunter Under Saddle
    1. Redford Connections 9
    2. WA Chrome Style 8
    3. Ima Smokin Zipper 7
    4. TTC Untouchable 6
    5. TTC Impressed By Design 5
    6. Twilight Melody 4
    7. Zippo Pine Glow 3
  7. English Championships (top three from each class competing against each other)
    1. Ima Smokin Zipper 18
    2. WA Cowboy Dreams 16
    3. Redford Connections 14
    4. WA Tributes First 12
    5. WA Chrome Style 10
    6. WA Attribute 8
  8. Western Pleasure
    1. TTC Something To Miss 9
    2. Ima Smokin Zipper 8
    3. WA Tributes First 7
    4. Zippo Pine Glow 6
    5. WA Cowboy Dreams 5
    6. TTC Top Flight 4
    7. WA Attribute 3
    8. TTC Flamette 2
    9. Redford Connections 1
    10. TTC Untouchable 0
  9. Cutting 
    1. WA Tributes First 9
    2. WA Cowboy Dreams 8
    3. TTC Top Flight 7
    4. TTC Something To Miss 6
    5. WA Attribute 5
    6. GVR Whiplash 4
    7. GVR Bewitched 3
    8. TTC Flamette 2
  10. Reining 
    1. Zippo Pine Glow 9
    2. WA Chrome Style 8
    3. TTC Untouchable 7
    4. Twilight Melody 6
    5. Ima Smokin Zipper 5
    6. TTC Impressed By Design 4
    7. Redford Connections 3
  11. Pole Bending 
    1. WA Chrome Style 9
    2. TTC Impressed By Design 8
    3. Twilight Melody 7
    4. GVR Bewitched 6
    5. GVR Whiplash 5
  12. Barrel Racing
    1. WA Cowboy Dreams 9
    2. TTC Something To Miss 8
    3. WA Attribute 7
    4. TTC Top Flight 6
    5. TTC Flamette 5
    6. WA Tributes First 4
  13. Gymkhana Championships (top 3 winners of all gymkhana events)
    1. Zippo Pine Glow 18
    2. WA Attribute 16
    3. TTC Untouchable 14
    4. TTC Top Flight 12
    5. WA Cowboy Dreams 10
    6. WA Tributes First 8
    7. TTC Something To Miss 6
    8. Ima Smokin Zipper 4
    9. Twilight Melody 2
    10. TTC Impressed By Design 0
    11. WA Chrome Style 0
  14. Halter/Showmanship
    1. TTC Something To Miss 9
    2. Redford Connections 8
    3. Ima Smokin Zipper 7
    4. WA Attribute 6
    5. WA Tributes First 5
    6. TTC Flamette 4
    7. Zippo Pine Glow 3
    8. WA Cowboy Dreams 2
    9. TTC Untouchable 1
    10. TTC Top Flight 0
  15. Trail
    1. TTC Untouchable 9
    2. Ima Smokin Zipper 8
    3. Twilight Melody 7
    4. GVR Bewitched 6
    5. GVR Whiplash 5
    6. TTC Impressed By Design 4
    7. WA Chrome Style 3
    8. Zippo Pine Glow 2
    9. Redford Connections 1


  1. Hunter/Jumper
    1. GVR Double Trouble 9
    2. GVR First Edition 8
    3. GVR Ancient Realm 7
  2. Cross Country 
    1. GVR Double Trouble 9
    2. GVR Ancient Realm 8
    3. GVR First Edition 7
  3. Stadium & Show Jumping 
    1. GVR Ancient Realm 9
    2. GVR Double Trouble 8
    3. GVR First Edition 7
  4. Grand Prix Jumping (All jumper finalists will compete in hunter/jumper, cross country, and show/stadium jumping)
    1. GVR Double Trouble 18
    2. GVR First Edition 16
    3. GVR Ancient Realm 14
  5. Dressage
    1. GVR Double Trouble 9
    2. GVR First Edition 8
    3. GVR Ancient Realm 7
  1. Hunter Under Saddle
    1. GVR First Edition 9
    2. GVR Ancient Realm 8
    3. GVR Double Trouble 7
  2. English Championships (top three from each class competing against each other)
    1. GVR First Edition 18
    2. GVR Double Trouble 16
    3. GVR Ancient Realm 14
  3. Western Pleasure
    1. GVR Ancient Realm 9
    2. GVR Double Trouble 8
    3. GVR First Edition 7
  4. Cutting 
  5. Reining 
  6. Pole Bending 
    1. GVR Ancient Realm 9
    2. GVR Double Trouble 8
    3. GVR First Edition 7
  7. Barrel Racing
    1. GVR First Edition 9
    2. GVR Ancient Realm 8
    3. GVR Double Trouble 7
  8. Gymkhana Championships (top 3 winners of all gymkhana events)
    1. GVR Double Trouble 18
    2. GVR First Edition 16
    3. GVR Ancient Realm 14
  9. Halter/Showmanship
    1. GVR Ancient Realm 9
    2. GVR First Edition 8
    3. GVR Double Trouble 7
  10. Trail
    1. GVR Ancient Realm 9
    2. GVR Double Trouble 8
    3. GVR First Edition 7

Hot Bloods:

  1. Hunter/Jumper
    1. WA My Silver Liberty 9
    2. SS Khaldieh 8
    3. SS South Pacific 7
    4. WA Copper Cloud 6
    5. Racing the Clock 5
    6. SS Khamalia 4
  2. Cross Country 
    1. SS Star Dust 9
    2. Racing the Clock 8
    3. WA Copper Cloud 7
    4. SS Gemini Rose 6
    5. SS Desert Mirage 5
    6. WA My Silver Liberty 4
  3. Stadium & Show Jumping 
    1. SS South Pacific 9
    2. WA My Silver Liberty 8
    3. WA Copper Cloud 7
    4. SS Khamalia 6
    5. Racing the Clock 5
    6. SS Khaldieh 4
  4. Grand Prix Jumping (All jumper finalists will compete in hunter/jumper, cross country, and show/stadium jumping)
    1. SS Khamalia 18
    2. WA Copper Cloud 16
    3. SS Desert Mirage 14
    4. WA My Silver Liberty 12
    5. SS Star Dust 10
    6. SS South Pacific 8
    7. SS Gemini Rose 6
    8. SS Khaldieh 4
    9. Racing the Clock 2
  5. Dressage
    1. WA My Silver Liberty 6
    2. SS Star Dust 5
    3. SS Gemini Rose 4
    4. Racing the Clock 3
    5. SS Desert Mirage 2
    6. WA Copper Cloud 1
  6. Hunter Under Saddle
    1. Racing the Clock 9
    2. SS South Pacific 8
    3. WA Copper Cloud 7
    4. SS Khaldieh 6
    5. WA My Silver Liberty 5
    6. SS Khamalia 4
  7. English Championships (top three from each class competing against each other)
    1. SS Gemini Rose 18
    2. Racing the Clock 16
    3. SS Star Dust 14
    4. WA Copper Cloud 12 
    5. WA My Silver Liberty 10
    6. SS South Pacific 8
  8. Western Pleasure
    1. WA My Silver Liberty 9
    2. SS Star Dust 8
    3. SS Gemini Rose 7
    4. SS Desert Mirage 6
    5. Racing the Clock 5
    6. WA Copper Cloud 4
  9. Cutting 
    1. SS Khamalia 9
    2. SS Khaldieh 8
    3. SS South Pacific 7
  10. Reining 
    1. SS Desert Mirage 9
    2. SS Star Dust 8
    3. SS Gemini Rose 7
  11. Pole Bending 
    1. WA Copper Cloud 9
    2. Racing the Clock 8
    3. WA My Silver Liberty 7
    4. SS Khaldieh 6
    5. SS South Pacific 5
    6. SS Khamalia 4
  12. Barrel Racing
    1. WA Copper Cloud 9
    2. Racing the Clock 8
    3. SS Gemini Rose 7
    4. SS Star Dust 6
    5. SS Desert Mirage 5
    6. WA My Silver Liberty 4
  13. Gymkhana Championships (top 3 winners of all gymkhana events)
    1. SS Khaldieh 18
    2. SS South Pacific 16
    3. SS Desert Mirage 14
    4. SS Star Dust 12
    5. SS Gemini Rose 10
    6. SS Khamalia 8
    7. WA My Silver Liberty 6
    8. WA Copper Cloud 4
    9. Racing the Clock 2
  14. Halter/Showmanship
    1. SS Khamalia 9
    2. WA My Silver Liberty 8
    3. WA Copper Cloud 7
    4. SS Khaldieh 6
    5. Racing the Clock 5
    6. SS South Pacific 4
  15. Trail
    1. Racing the Clock 9
    2. SS Desert Mirage 8
    3. SS Star Dust 7
    4. WA Copper Cloud 6
    5. WA My Silver Liberty 5
    6. SS Gemini Rose 4

Other Breeds:

  1. Hunter/Jumper
    1. El Fantasia 9
    2. Valiente del Fino 8
    3. Calhandra 7
    4. Magnifica de Oro 6
  2. Cross Country 
    1. Shadow Dancer 9
    2. Phantom Rose 8
    3. Almost Illusion 7
  3. Stadium & Show Jumping 
    1. Finishing Touch 9
    2. Morrighan 8
    3. Truth Be Told 7
  4. Grand Prix Jumping (All jumper finalists will compete in hunter/jumper, cross country, and show/stadium jumping)
    1. Shadow Dancer 18
    2. Calhandra 16
    3. Morrighan 14
    4. Phantom Rose 12
    5. Almost Illusion 10
    6. Valiente del Fino 8
    7. Finishing Touch 6
    8. El Fantasia 4
    9. Truth Be Told 2
  5. Dressage
    1. Valiente del Fino 9
    2. Magnifica de Oro 8
    3. Calhandra 7
    4. El Fantasia 6
  6. Hunter Under Saddle
    1. Almost Illusion 9
    2. Phantom Rose 8
    3. Shadow Dancer 7
  7. English Championships (top three from each class competing against each other)
    1. Calhandra 18
    2. Almost Illusion 16
    3. Magnifica de Oro 14
    4. Shadow Dancer 12
    5. Valiente del Fino 10
    6. Phantom Rose 8
  8. Western Pleasure
    1. Truth Be Told 9
    2. Morrighan 8
    3. Finishing Touch 7
  9. Cutting 
    1. Magnifica de Oro 9
    2. Valiente del Fino 8
    3. Calhandra 7
    4. El Fantasia 6
  10. Reining 
    1. Phantom Rose 9
    2. Shadow Dancer 8
    3. Almost Illusion 7
  11. Pole Bending 
    1. Morrighan 9
    2. Finishing Touch 8
    3. Truth Be Told 7
  12. Barrel Racing
    1. Valiente del Fino 9
    2. Calhandra 8
    3. El Fantasia 7
    4. Magnifica de Oro 6
  13. Gymkhana Championships (top 3 winners of all gymkhana events)
    1. Truth Be Told 18
    2. Phantom Rose 16
    3. Magnifica de Oro 14
    4. Valiente del Fino 12
    5. Finishing Touch 10
    6. Morrighan 8
    7. Almost Illusion 6
    8. El Fantasia 4
    9. Calhandra 2
    10. Shadow Dancer 0
  14. Halter/Showmanship
    1. Phantom Rose 9
    2. Shadow Dancer 8
    3. Almost Illusion 7
  15. Trail
    1. Morrighan 9
    2. Truth Be Told 8
    3. Finishing Touch 7

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